Minggu, 30 Oktober 2005

Tsa La Gi Bean Bread

1 recipe cornmeal
1 cooking juice from beans
1 corn husks
1 garlic salt

My husband is Tsa la gi and he gave me an old recipe for making bean bread that just says to mix the beans with some of the juice into the cornmeal. Well, I did that until it looked about the right consistency to me and used corn husks to wrap them up and held them together with a toothpick. Like you, I had no idea how long to cook
them since the recipe just says to boil until done. Well, I figured 20-30 minutes would probably be about right. I tested one and it seemed done to me so I let my husband taste and he said they tasted like they were supposed to so I must have guessed right. And I guess you know not to put salt in the mixture or it will just fall apart. Season afterwards. Instead of salt I put a little garlic salt on mine
and liked it real well. Just give it a try and see what happens. From: Mignonne
Yield: 4 servings

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2005

Pueblo Fiesta Turkey In Mole Sauce

13 c. water
1 4 -lb. whole boneless turkey breast with skin, halved lengthwise
1 lg. white onion, peeled, quartered
1 head of garlic, outer skin removed, cut crosswise in half
1 1/2 tsp. fine sea salt
1 c. oil
8 dried mulato chiles, stemmed, seeds and membranes removed (1)
6 dried pasilla chiles, stemmed, seeds and membranes removed (2)
5 dried ancho chile, stemmed, seeds and membranes removed (3)
Nuts and Seeds
1 T. oil
1/2 c. whole almonds
1/4 c. pecans
1 T. unsalted roasted peanuts
1/4 c. shelled pepitas (4)
3 T. sesame seeds
1/4 c. oil
1 lg. ripe dark-skinned plantain, peeled,; thickly sliced
1 lb. tomatillos, husked, rinsed, coarsel; y chopped
1 lb. plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped
2/3 c. raisins
1 lg. white onion, peeled, cut into 8 wedges
12 lg. garlic cloves, unpeeled
5 whole cloves
1 tsp. whole black peppercorns
5 whole allspice berries
1 tsp. cumin seeds
1/2 tsp. aniseed
1 1 cinnamon stick (5)
1 tsp. dried mexican oregano
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. fine sea salt
3 T. oil
1 3 'x2'x1' bread slice from firm french roll
3 5 ' to 6' diameter corn tortillas, coar; sely chopped
6 oz. mexican chocolate, chopped (6)
1/2 c. chopped piloncillo (7)
2 c. (about) low-salt chicken broth (if necessary)

Mole PoblanoMole is very time-consuming to make, but you can begin up to three daysahead. The results are well worth the effort. In Mexico, this is served with rice or unfilled tamales. For turkey:Combine all ingredients in large pot. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover, andsimmer until turkey is just cooked through, skimming foam,
about 35 minutes.Transfer turkey to bowl; cover and chill. Strain and reserve broth in pot.For chiles:Heat 1/2 C. oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Working in batches,fry all chiles until beginning to blister and change color, about 15 secondsper side (do not burn). Using tongs and shaking off excess oil, transferchiles to another large pot. Add 4 C. reserved turkey broth; bring to boil.Reduce heat; simmer uncovered until chiles are very soft, about 35 minutes.Strain liquid into 4-cup measuring cup; add enough reserved turkey broth tomeasure 4 C. Chop chiles.
Working in batches, puree chiles and 4 C. chilebroth in blender until smooth.Heat remaining 1/2 C. oil in same pot over medium heat until almostsmoking. Press chile puree through large mesh strainer into pot (mixturewill sputter and bubble vigorously). Stir until puree thickens enough toform path on bottom of pot when wooden spoon is drawn across,about 15minutes. Remove chile puree from heat.For nuts and seeds:Heat 1 T. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add almondsand stir until color deepens, about 1 minute. Add pecans and peanuts; stir 1minute. Add pepitas; stir 30 seconds. Transfer to blender. Add sesame seedsto skillet; stir 1 minute. Transfer 2 T. sesame seeds to small bowl andreserve for garnish. Place remaining 1 T. sesame seeds in blender with nuts.Add 1/2 C. reserved turkey broth and blend until thick puree forms. Addnut-and-seed puree to pot with chile puree. Cook over very low heat,stirring often, while preparing fruits.For fruits:Heat 1/4 C. oil in same skillet over high heat. Add plantain and saut� untilgolden, about 3 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels. Addtomatillos and tomatoes to skillet; saut� until slightly softened, mashingwith fork. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer until thickened, stirringoften, about 25
minutes. Add raisins and plantain; simmer 10 minutes,stirring often. Cool slightly.Working in batches, puree tomatillo mixture in blender with 2 C. reservedturkey broth. Strain mixture through sieve into chile-nut puree,
pressing onsolids to extract as much mixture as possible; discard solids in
sieve.Continue cooking puree over very low heat while preparing flavorings,stirring often.For flavorings:Cook onion and garlic cloves in dry heavy medium skillet over medium heatuntil beginning to brown and soften, turning often, about 15 minutes. Coolslightly. Coarsely chop onion; peel garlic. Place in blender.Stir cloves in same skillet over medium-high heat until fragrant, about 20seconds. Transfer cloves to spice mill or coffee grinder; add peppercornsand next 7 ingredients. Grind finely. Add to blender. Add 1 C. reservedturkey broth; blend until smooth. Stir spice mixture into chile-nut puree.Simmer mole over very low heat 30 minutes to blend flavors while preparingthickeners, stirring often (mole will bubble thickly).For thickeners:Heat 1 1/2 T. oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add bread slice;fry until golden, about 1 1/2 minutes per side. Transfer to blender. Add 11/2 T. oil and tortillas to skillet; saut� 2 minutes. Transfer to blenderwith bread. Add 2 C. reserved turkey broth; blend until smooth. Add to mole;simmer 10 minutes.Add chocolate and piloncillo to mole; simmer over low heat 20 minutes,stirring often, scraping bottom of pot and adding more turkey broth (orchicken broth if necessary) by 1/2 cupfuls if mole is too thick (up to 2 C.more broth may be needed). Season with salt. Continue simmering over lowheat until streaks of oil form on mole surface, about 10 minutes longer.(Can be made 3 days ahead. Cool slightly. Chill uncovered until cold, thencover and keep
refrigerated. Rewarm over low heat, stirring and adding morebroth if desired, before continuing.)Cut turkey into 1/3' thick slices. Add to hot mole; simmer until turkey isheated through, about 10 minutes. Arrange turkey slices on platter. Spoonmole over; sprinkle with sesame seeds.Notes (1) mulato chile [moo-LAH-toh]This long (4- to 5-inch) dark brown chile is a type of dried POBLANO. It hasa light fruity nuance and a much more pronounced smoky character than itsrelative, the ANCHO. Themulato is
essential for making MOLE (2) pasilla chile [pah-SEE-yah]In its fresh form this CHILE is called a CHILACA. It's generally 6 to 8inches long and 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. The rich-flavored, medium-hotpasilla is a blackish-brown color,which is why it's also called chile negro. This chile is sold whole, and powdered. It's particularly good for use insauces. (3) ancho chile [AHN-choh]This broad, dried CHILE is 3 to 4 inches long and a deep reddish brown; itranges in flavor from mild to pungent. The rich, slightly fruit-flavoredancho is the sweetest of the dried chiles. In its fresh, green state, theancho is referred to as a poblano chile. (4) pepitas [puh-PEE-tahs]These edible pumpkin seeds are a popular ingredient in Mexican cooking.With their white hull removed, they are a medium-dark green and have adeliciously delicate flavor, which is even better when the seeds are roastedand salted. Pepitas are sold salted, roasted and raw, and with or withouthulls. They're available in health-food stores, Mexican markets and manysupermarkets. (5) Mexican cinnamon sticks with a delicate, floral flavor. (6) Mexican chocolate Flavored with cinnamon, almonds and vanilla, this sweet chocolate isavailable in Mexican markets and some supermarkets. Mexican chocolate has amuch grainier texture than other chocolates. It's used in the preparation ofa Mexican hot chocolate drink and certain Mexican specialties such as molepoblano sauce usually served with fowl. One ounce
semisweet chocolate, 1/2teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1 drop almond extract can be substituted for 1ounce Mexican chocolate. (7) Mexican raw sugar shaped into hard cones. Smaller chunks are sometimeslabeled panocha. If neither is available, substitute an equal weight ofpacked dark brown sugar

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2005

Fiddlehead Fern Soup

4 c fiddleheads fresh &cleaned
2 t. unsalted butter
1 sm. onion minced
2 c. chicken or vegetable stock
2 c. milk or cream
lime zest
salt and pepper to taste

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add the fiddleheads, return to a boil and cook until they are almost tender and turn pale green, 5 to 8 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. Coarsely chop and reserve. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until they become translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the fiddleheads and chicken or vegetable stock. Stir, increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a gentle boil. Cover and cook until the fiddleheads are thoroughly tender, about 5 minutes. Add the milk, reduce the heat to medium, and heat until nearly boiling. Do not let the soup boil or the milk will curdle. Stir in the lime zest and season the soup to taste with salt and pepper. Divide the soup into four bowls, garnish with nutmeg and serve immediately.

Contributor: 'Mignonne'

Yield: serving size: 4

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2005

Basic Yellow Mequite Cake

2 1/4 c. flour
3/4 c. mesquite flour
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tbsp. salt
3/4 c. oil or non-dairy margarine
1 1/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/3 c. milk
1/4 c. hickory nuts chopped

Mesquite flour will give a delicate and distinctive flavor to your cakes. Sift the flours, salt, and baking powder in a bowl Beat the sugar, vanilla, and oil or margarine in a separate bowl Mix slowly the content of the 2 bowls, and the milk. Beat until smooth. Pour the batter into 2 greased 9-inch round cake pans.
Bake for 30 minutes in a pre-heated, 350 degrees F oven.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2005

Native Style Salmon Bake

1 whole salmon (6 to 8 lb.), book filleted; (see notes)
1 cup rock salt
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon white pepper
frame (see instructions below)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
2 tablespoons lemon juice
lemon wedges

The tradition of the Indian salmon bake has deep roots in the Northwest.For centuries, Native Americans such as the Makah and S'Klallam have cooked salmon on a wood frame before an open fire. The practice is so widespread that no individual tribe lays claim to the technique, but typically, a straight, strong branch of cedar or ironwood is split lengthwise at one end, then the boned salmon is fitted into the split. To hold the fish flat so it will cook evenly, additional sticks are woven over and under the salmon at right angles to the branch. Notes: Order salmon with head, tail, and back fin trimmed. Also have salmon butterflied from stomach side without separating fillets along the back, then boned (but not skinned). Any white membrane from belly area of fish should be trimmed. (All of this can be done at the market.) This shape is called a book fillet.

1.Rinse salmon and pat dry. Mix rock salt, brown sugar, and white pepper. Spread half of the mixture over bottom of a 12- by 17-inch pan lined with plastic wrap. Lay fish, skin down, on salt mixture. Pat remaining mixture over salmon. Cover and chill 2 to 4 hours. Lift fish from pan, rinse thoroughly, and pat dry. 2. Meanwhile, select site (A, below), work out frame support (B), and start fire (C). 3. Load salmon onto soaked frame (steps 1 through 7 below). 4. When fire is ready, secure salmon at proper angle over the glowing coals with flesh toward the fire and wide end of fish 11/2 to 2 feet from heat (A, below). Check temperature by placing the back of your hand against the fish at the top and the bottom; you should be able to hold your hand in place for only 5 to 6 seconds. Adjust by pushing coals away from fish if too hot, closer if too cool. (To use a gas grill, turn heat to high, tip lid open, position frame over heat, and use your hand to judge cooking temperature. Move fish closer for more heat; turn down gas for less.) 5. Mix butter with lemon juice. Baste fish several times with butter mixture as it cooks. Check heat often. If wood frame starts to smolder, squirt or brush with water. 6. Cook fish until surface turns evenly opaque, 20 to 30 minutes. 7. Handling frame gently (cooked fish breaks up easily), rotate salmon so skin side faces the heat. Secure frame and continue to cook just until fish feels firm to touch, 20 to 30 minutes more, basting several times. 8. Gently lay salmon in frame, skin down, on a large board or platter. Snip wires and gently pull wood frame from fish. Serve salmon hot or cool. Lift fish pieces off the skin and season with juice from lemon wedges. Putting the salmon on the frame Purchase frame parts: At a lumberyard, have wood cut to specific lengths. You will need two pine 1-by-1s (each 6 to 7 ft. long), five pieces of 1/4- by 1/2-inch pine screen mold (each 18 in. long), and 2 feet of 22-gauge (or heavier)wire. Fireproof wood: Soak frame pieces in water at least two hours. If you don't have a container long enough to immerse the wood, wrap the parts of the long stakes that will be exposed to fire in a thick layer of wet towels, seal with foil or plastic wrap, and saturate towels as needed. 1. To start, gather the soaked frame pieces, salad oil and a brush, wire, wire cutters, pliers, and fish. 2. Lightly brush salad oil onto a 24-inch section of one side of each of the long stakes, starting at one end. Lightly oil one side of each short wood piece. 3. Lay one long stake on a table, oiled side up. Starting about 5 inches from the end of the oiled part of the stake, lay three short pieces, oiled side up, about 5 inches apart across it.4. Center salmon, skin down, on frame, wide end pointed toward middle of stake. Adjust short wood pieces so fish overlaps frame by 2 to 3 inches on each end.5. Lay the two remaining short wood pieces, oiled side down, across the salmon between the short pieces under it--in effect weaving the fish in place.6. Place second long stake, oiled side down, directly over the one beneath the salmon. Wrap wire around top ends of stakes and twist tightly to secure.7. Wrap wire around stakes at the other end of the fish. Twist wire tightly to secure.
The site, frame support, and fire A. Select a site that is protected from the wind. Set frame at a 45� to 60� angle over the fire, sticking stake ends into a hole to hold it (or lean frame against the barbecue). B. Use rocks, concrete building blocks, bricks, or bagged sand to brace frame base securely. C. Build fire (see photo at top of page) in a portable barbecue (20 to 22 in. wide) with a firegrate, vents open: About 21/2 hours before serving time, ignite four or five seasoned, split logs (each 4 to 5 in. wide, 12 to 14 in. long) on firegrate. Let wood burn down to medium glowing coals, 1 to 11/2 hours; a few low flames are fine. Judge heat by holding your hand where fish will be. When you can barely hold your hand in this spot for five to six seconds, the fire's ready for cooking.
Yield: 12 to 16 servin
Preparation Time: 3 hours

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2005

Blue Corn Bread or Muffins

1 cup blue cornmeal
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup butter or margarine

Combine dry ingredients. Beat eggs with milk and blend in butter or
margarine.Stir liquids into dry mixture - just to moisten.Spoon into muffin cups (2 1/2' size)Bake in 400 oven until brown and inserted wooden tooth pick comes out clean

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2005

Hucleberry Spirals

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 3/4 cups flour
1 cup hucleberry jam
1/2 cup ground hazelnuts or almonds
powdered sugar -- optional

In a large mixing bowl beat butter with an electric mixer on med.-high speed
for 30 sec. Add the sugar and baking powder. Beat until combined. Beat in
the egg, milk and vanilla until combined. Beat in as much of the flour as
you can with the mixer. Stir in remaining flour. Divide dough in half. Roll each half between 2 sheets of waxed paper into a 12x8' rectangle. Remove top sheet of waxed paper. Combine jam and ground nuts. Spread half of filling over a dough rectangle to within 1/2' of edges. From a long side, roll jelly-roll style, removing waxed paper as you roll. Press edges to seal. Wrap filled roll in waxed paper or clear plastic wrap. Repeat with remaining dough and filling. Chill rolls in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to 48 hours. Line cookie sheets with foil. Grease the foil. Cut filled rolls into 1/4' slices. Place slices 2' apart on prepared cookie sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 min. or until edges are firm and bottoms are lightly browned. Cool on cookie sheets for 1 min. Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool. If desired, before serving, sift powdered sugar lightly onto cooled cookies.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2005

Acorn Griddle Cakes

3 tbl melted butter
3/4 cup milk
2/3 unbleached flour
1 teas bakeing powder
1/3 teas salt
1 tbl honey
1 egg beaten
1/3 cup finley ground leached acorn meal; (*)

Combine dry ingredients. Mix together.. egg & milk then beat into dry
ingredients, forming a smooth batter. Add butter. Drop batter unto hot
greased griddle. Bake turning each cake, when it is browned on
underside,puffed and slightly set on top. makes 12-15 cakes.

(*) Grind acorns. Spread meal 1/2' thick on porous cloth and pour HOT water
over the meal. repeat several times OR boil acorns for 2 HOURS, pour off
Black water. Soak in cold water 3-4 days, then grind into a paste or
pulverize acorns. Allow water to trickle thru meal ( put meal in Muslin bag
and place bag in clear running stream ) for 20 hours. dry & grind again.

A SIMPLE way is to go to any KOREAN asian store or market and buy acorn flour.
Do not buy or use acorn starch for this recipe.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2005

Anasazi Beans With Juniper Berries

Note: 1. You can find juniper berries in the spice section of food
markets. 2. Soaking beans overnight gets rid of about 70 percent of
the gases. Also be sure to drain off the water that you soak the
beans in and rinse well. Then cook with fresh water.

2 C. dried Anasazi beans
10 coriander seeds
8 juniper berries
1 sm. onion
1 T. sunflower seed or light olive oil
1 tsp. ground red chile (opt)
1 tsp. dried Mexican oregano
2 1/2 qt. water

Sort through the beans, rinse them well, cover them with cold water,
and set them aside for six hours or overnight.

Bruise the seeds and berries in a mortar, and chop the onion into
small squares.

Warm the oil in a wide-bottomed soup pot; add the onions, coriander
seeds, juniper berries, chile and oregano. Cook together over medium
heat for 3 or 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Drain the beans and add them to the pot along with the fresh water.
Bring to a boil; then lower the heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Add
salt to taste and continue cooking until the beans are as tender as
you like them ~ probably another 30 minutes or so. When done, check
the seasoning. Serve the beans in a bowl with the broth.

Suggestion: There are lots of tasty additions you can use - cilantro,
mint, scallions, sour cream, cheese and so on. But try the beans
plain first.

Nutritional analysis per serving: 401 calories, 4.84 grams fat, 0
milligrams cholesterol, 27.6 milligrams sodium; 11 percent of
calories form fat.

from: The Savory Way.

Contributor: Burning Tree Native Grill

Yield: 1 recipe

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2005

Cherokee Huckleberry-Honey Cake

1/2 c. butter,softened
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. honey
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 c. milk
1 1/2 c. plus 1 tbsp unbleached flour
2 t. baking powder
1/8 t. salt
1 c. fresh huckleberries or blueberries or frozen/canned

preheat oven to 350 f. in a mixing bowl, cream together
butter, sugar and honey. beat in eggs and milk. sift in 1
1/2 c. flour, baking powder, and salt. combine
thoroughly. in a small bowl, toss berries with remaining flour. gently fold
berries into batter. pour batter into
a 5x9 inch loaf pan. bake for about 1 hour, until
the cake is golden brown and a knife inserted in the
center comes out clean. serves 6 - 8
note -
hucklebberies and blueberries are members of the same family,
but huckleberries are smaller and darker. both
berries were a major source of food for the southeastern
tribes, who ate them fresh, stewed, and cooked with meat
(pemican). large quantities were also dried for winter use.
some early scottish and english traders married into
the leading cherokee families and their love of baked
goods is aparent in the pies, cakes, and cobblers that
are very much a part of the indian cooking of my

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2005

Chippewa Buffalo & Wild Rice Cassarole

2 lb ground buffalo
1/2 lb ground pork
1 lb mushroom; sliced
1 cup onion; chopped
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 10 oz can chicken broth
2 cup wild rice cooked & drained
1 pinch dried oregano
1 pinch dried marjoram
1 pinch dried thyme
1 Tsp Salt
black pepper & tabasco; to taste
1/2 cup chopped pecans; for garnish

Preheat oven to 350. Saute the baffalo and pork meats until all the fat has
cooked out into the pan. Remove meat and break into small pieces. Set
aside and keep warm. Saute mushrooms and onions in the fat and return
buffalo and pork meat. Put flour and cream into small bowl and mix until
there is no lumps. Add to meat and vegetables. Stir, add the chicken broth
and cook until consistency is that of thick soup. Add the cooked rice,
herbs and seasonings. Transfer to 2 qt. cassarole dish and bake for 25-30
min. Sprinkle with almond slivers and serve.

Yield: 6 servings.

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2005

Burning Tree Adobe Bread

1 package dry yeast (1/4 oz)
1/4 cup warm water
2 tablespoons melted lard or shortening
1 teaspoon salt
4 1/2 cups flour
1 cup water

1. Soften the yeast in the warm water in a large bowl. Then mix in the
melted lard or shortening and the salt. 2. Add the flour alternately with
the water, sifting the flour a little at a time and beating well after each
addition to make a smooth mixture. You will probably have to knead in the
final cup of flour. 3. Shape the dough into a ball, and place in a greased
bowl, brush lightly with melted lard or shortening, cover with a dry cloth,
and set in a warm place to rise for about 1 hour. 4. When the dough has
doubled in bulk, punch down, turn onto a floured board, and knead for about
5 minutes. Divide into two equal parts and shape into two round loaves on
a well-oiled board or greased baking tin. 5. Cover the loaves with a dry
cloth, set in a warm place and let rise for 15 minutes. 6. Bake the bread
in a hot oven, 400F, for 50 minutes or until the loaves are lightly browned
and sound hollow when thumped. Cool, cut into wedges before serving.

Gila River Fry Bread

2 1/4 cup flour
3/4 cup warm water (or a little less)
3 tablespoon solid vegetable shortening
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking powder
fat or oil for frying

Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in 1 T. of shortening. Melt
and cool remaining 2 T of shortening and set aside. Add just enough
water to flour mixture so dough holds together and can be handled
easily. Knead on a lightly floured board until smooth (30 seconds),
adding only enough flour to work dough. Form dough into smooth 2-
inch balls. Brush each ball with cooled shortening and let stand 45
minutes. On a lightly floured surface, with the heel of your hand,
flatten each ball out into a round circle about 6 inches in
diameter.In a deep skillet or deep fryer, heat fat to 360 degrees. Ease
dough into deep fat. Dough will bob to surface. Cook until dough is a
light brown (45-60 seconds). Turn and cook other side (45-60 seconds).
Remove from fat immediately and drain on paper towels. Makes 6
individual breads. Fry bread should never be made in advance. The
only way to enjoy it is sizzling hot from the skillet. Try
drizzling its crusty golden skin with honey or dust it with powdered sugar;
great for breakfast or addition to soup or a stew meal.

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